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2020 Blue Rankings

As this is the first year there are no changes for ranks. *INS = Insufficient Data

As Expected: A couple Jaces, premium counterspells, and cards that steal your opponents cards. Many people are surprised that I run Mana Drain in an otherwise unpowered cube and while it is the top counterspell in the list it hasn't been as oppressive as I feared it might be. It has a tendency to "feel bad" and this seems to leave the impression that it is completely broken, but really it's performance hasn't been any better than the rest of blue's best cards.


Pleasant Surprises: Brazen Borrower comes out strong as a new role player. While there is a lot less data for this card, and I fully expect it to drop as it becomes less exciting to play, it has yet to disappoint performance wise.

Search for Azcanta was a bit of an ugly duckling being slept on by many cubers when it was first spoiled. Now it's shining ahead of Mana Drain and JTMS? Consistency is the biggest advantage you can give a deck and Search delivers.


DisappointmentsShow and Tell is just too high risk these days. It is narrow in the amount of decks it can be played in and giving your opponent a free permanent can backfire too easily when the quality of everyone's cards is so high.

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